Corporate Services

Practice Area

GHP Corporate Services Limited is the corporate services arm of George Henry Partners LP and provides a range of corporate services to our clients.

The challenge of maintaining and documenting compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements is familiar to many of our clients. The administrative burden can often be overwhelming, particularly for clients unfamiliar with the legal and regulatory framework of the jurisdiction. Our corporate service solutions ensure our clients remain in good standing, avoid the cost and reputational damage associated with non-compliance and allow our clients to focus on their core business.

We provide a tailored range of services for each client depending on their particular needs.  

Our services include the following:

  • a wide range of company secretarial services
  • maintaining and facilitating access to records
  • provision of board assistance and support, including scheduling of meetings, setting and circulating agendas, and the preparation and filing of relevant documentation
  • preparation and circulation of director and shareholder resolutions on an annual basis to ensure good governance and to document relevant matters such as the declaration and approval of dividends, appointment/re-appointment of directors and officers, and the approval of budgets, accounts/financial statements
  • acting as the liaison between the client and third-party organisations (including banks, registered agents, insurers and professional advisers) to ensure that all compliance requirements are satisfied
  • annual verification of registers of members and directors maintained by the registered agent
  • provision of directors and officers and nominee shareholders
  • preparation and submission of applications for the renewal of any licences required to undertake business operations
  • facilitating the payment of Government fees and taxes
  • annual verification of entity status for Economic Substance purposes
  • assisting with US FATCA and CRS enrolment and reporting submissions through the BVI Financial Account Report System

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