Legal guide – Compliance Officer’s Reports
19 March 2021 | by Jermaine Case
In this legal guide we examine the obligation to prepare and submit an annual Compliance Officer’s report in compliance with the Regulatory Code 2009.

Legal update – BVI Government to introduce new business licensing and investment regime
11 February 2021 | by Paul Mellor
In this legal update we examine the BVI Government’s proposals for the introduction of a new business licensing and investment regime.

Obtaining a Liquor Licence In the British Virgin Islands
06 November 2020 | by Paul Mellor
In this guide, we examine the requirement for businesses in the British Virgin Islands selling alcoholic drinks to hold the required liquor licence.

George Henry Partners LP Welcomes Jermaine O Case to the Team
21 May 2020 | by GHP Marketing
George Henry Partners LP announces the addition of Jermaine O Case to the team effective 18 May 2020.