News & Analysis

Legal Guide – The Stamps (Amendment) Act 2022 – Stamp Duty Exemption for First Time Belonger Buyers

12 April 2022 | by Paul Mellor

This legal guide examines the effect of the Stamps (Amendment) Act 2022 and how first time Belonger property owners in the BVI can benefit from a stamp duty exemption.

Legal Guide – Labour Tribunal Decisions – Unfair Dismissal

05 October 2021 | by Jermaine Case

This legal guide examines recent awards made by the Labour Tribunal in relation to unfair dismissals in the context of summary dismissals and redundancies.

FSECA BVI Business Person in a suit

Legal update – Amendments to the Economic Substance regime in the British Virgin Islands

20 July 2021 | by Jermaine Case

In this legal update we examine the changes to the economic substance regime introduced by the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnerships) (Amendment) Act, 2021.

Legal update – Probates (Resealing) Act, 2021

24 June 2021 | by Paul Mellor

In this legal update we examine the introduction of the Probates (Resealing) Act, 2021.

Man reviewing a contract

Legal guide – Compliance Officer’s Reports

19 March 2021 | by Jermaine Case

In this legal guide we examine the obligation to prepare and submit an annual Compliance Officer’s report in compliance with the Regulatory Code 2009.

Legal update – BVI Government to introduce new business licensing and investment regime

11 February 2021 | by Paul Mellor

In this legal update we examine the BVI Government’s proposals for the introduction of a new business licensing and investment regime.

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