Government & Public Bodies

Practice Area

Government departments and public bodies have a critical influence on the economy. They are market participants in their own right, deliver essential services and help to shape, influence and regulate private sector businesses.

The professionals in our Government & Public Bodies practice group possess relevant experience as legal advisors to Government and other public bodies, and membership (including chairmanship) and executive level management of statutory bodies in varying capacities. We are able to offer effective legal advice to government departments and statutory bodies as a result of our understanding of the relevant legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in which they operate.

Our team brings an unparalleled level of clarity of understanding of Government and public institutions in BVI which expertise and experience are available for application to transformative training and development of public sector officers on critical matters such as good governance, exercise of statutory discretion, project management, conflicts of interest and transparency.

We are also able to bring our understanding and experience to bear when advising our private sector clients to help them to understand the legal and regulatory environment. Whether we are advising clients in the public or private sectors, our aim is to help our clients to deliver their objectives in an efficient manner while minimising legal and reputational risk.

We work with both public and private sector clients in a range of areas, including the following:

  • providing training and guidance to public bodies and statutory boards on the lawful exercise of their statutory functions
  • advising on the legislative frameworks within which government departments and other statutory bodies operate
  • drafting new legislation, regulations, rules and policies
  • assisting with public sector projects such as privatisations, major infrastructure and procurement projects
  • advising borrowers and lenders in connection with project development and project finance   
  • providing advice in relation to legislation and policy issues
  • corporate governance
  • public-private partnership arrangements
  • understanding and navigating sector regulatory regimes



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